Mrs. Sharber - Tekoppel Elementary
Small Groups
Here are some small group options that will be offered during the school year.
Understanding & Coping with Grief – This lesson teaches the importance of coping, a positive mindset, being courageous, and focusing on the future.
Manage Your Anger – This lesson helps kids learn to stop, breathe, think it through, and make a choice.
Advanced Study Skills – Students learn how to become a study star by learning to focus, prepare, and reflect.
Random Acts of Kindness -Kids will learn what thoughtful acts of kindness are with a focus on helping others, donating, using kind words, being a friend, and smiling.
Discover Your Strengths – Students learn to discover their strengths through knowledge, abilities, and talents.
Based on the needs of the students, other groups will also be available.
Please contact Mrs. Sharber if you feel your child would benefit from a small group.
111 N Tekoppel Ave
Evansville, IN 47712
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