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Why Talk to the School Counselor?

Here are a few reasons students may want to talk to the School Counselor:

“I’m having one of those days and I just need a minute.”

“I’m feeling overwhelmed with school and I don’t know what to do.”

“My best friend won’t talk to me and I don’t know what to do.”

“Tommy and I had a problem at recess. Can you help us work it out?”

“My pet just died and I’m feeling really sad.”

Here are a few reasons parents/guardians may want to talk to the School Counselor:

“I am worried about Laura’s grades and her not wanting to do her homework.  Can I come in and sit with you and her teacher?”

“We recently had a death in the family, and Mindy is having a hard time.”

“My child is new here and I just wanted to introduce myself.”

“Molly tells me that he is getting picked on at school. Can we meet to talk about this?”

“I’m concerned because my son keeps telling me that he doesn’t have any friends. Do you have any lunch groups?”

Here are a few reasons teachers & administrators may want to talk to the School Counselor:

“Allison is absent a lot and when she is here she is always coming in late.”

“Bobby is a great kid, but she seems really shy and is having a hard time making friends.  I think she would benefit from participating in a lunch group.”

“Tess is having a bad day and could use a minute.”

“I noticed that the girl’s in my class are having some friendship issues. Could you do a class lesson about friendship?”

“Sam is showing some bullying behaviors on the playground. Would you meet with him and help him work on his behaviors?”

111 N Tekoppel Ave

Evansville, IN  47712

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